User Experience

Creating an inclusive & usable dating app

A Journey Mapping and Usability Study

Our client wanted to better understand their LGBTQ+ users and their experiences on their dating app.

We helped them create a more inclusive and usable app for everyone.

Through a combination of exploratory interviews and usability testing, we uncovered their LGBTQ+ users’ journeys, experiences, and perspectives, as well as improvements to the design of the dating experience.

Research Goal & Questions

The client wanted to understand how to create a more inclusive, approachable, and usable dating app for the LGBTQ+ community.

  • What is the experience like for LGBTQ+ users on the app from sign up to active use? What are the reasons why these users churn?

  • What are the distinct requirements, challenges, and issues faced by members of this community on the app?

  • What are the ways we can enhance visibility, safety, and empowerment for LGBTQ+ users?

  • What usability challenges do these users face? What are their experiences with key product functions?

  • What are their reactions to different prototypes of app designs?

Our Approach

  • N=26 participants from the US

    • Aged 18-45

    • Have matched via the app within the past 2 months and who are currently dating each other

    • Identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community

  • 2 Phases:

    • Exploratory interviews to understand the dating experience and journeys of LGBTQ+ identifying people (mix of in-person and remote)

    • Usability assessment of key app functionality and comparisons of different prototypes

  • 4 weeks

Example Journey Map Deliverable


A deep understanding of the LGBTQ+ community on the app and the highs and lows of their experiences.

Identified features and experiences to improve feelings of safety, empowerment, connection, and authenticity for LGBTQ+ users.

Provided direction for design iteration based on usability and prototype feedback.


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