Accessibility Research & Design

We specialize in Accessibility Research that amplifies the voices of people with disabilities to drive the development of world-changing practices and products.

two people, one is walking and one is in a wheelchair

Our Approach

We approach Accessibility with sensitivity and compassion. We listen to what people need, meet them where they are, and interact with them as they prefer.

Respect, empowerment, and justice are the outcomes.

Working with us looks like

  • Inclusive design practices and expertise from start to finish
    Amplinate utilizes our expertise in researching and designing for people with disabilities to guide project planning, logistics, data collection instruments and assistive technology needed, participant interaction, and data analysis.

  • Immersive and interactive research to gain deep insights
    We specialize in conducting immersive, ethnographic research studies that produce holistic insights and uncover latent needs. We use co-creation and interactive methodologies which help imbue solutions with participants’ perspectives and realities.

  • Specialized experiences and methodological flexibility
    We adjust our methods and tools according to your research goals, participants’ abilities/disability, location of data collection, and type of device. For example, we can accommodate different needs in terms of mode of response (verbal, writing, asych video) or environment (in-homes, allow for movement, etc.).

Case Study Spotlight

International Accessibility Research in Latin America

We invite you to explore our capabilities through a recent study with patients who have physical disabilities as a result of Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Brazil and Mexico.

Capabilities & Expertise

Accessibility Best Practices

We have technical and practical in the field knowledge of best practices and relevant standards and guidelines, in the US and internationally (e.g., WCAG, ADA).

Specialized Recruitment

We are skilled in recruiting rare and hard-to-reach populations. We also have relationships with specialized recruitment partners who help us reliably recruit participants with disabilities.

International Accessibility

We have the capability to conduct foundational research and accessibility testing across the globe, with strong teams and experience in the USA, Western Europe, Brazil, Mexico, and India, specifically.

Experience with Assistive Technology

We have expertise using assistive technology during our studies, including:

  • Screen readers

  • Assistive settings such as Magnification and High Contrast Mode

  • Auto-transcription and Text-To-Speech tools

  • Instant messaging and texting

  • ASL interpretation

  • Sound amplification devices

  • Braille keyboards

  • Haptic feedback devices

In-person & Remote Across Devices

We have conducted accessibility studies both in-person and remotely, across apps, websites, and physical devices.

Our methods range from in situ contextual research methods to deeply understand daily realities to accessibility testing and audits to fix existing accessibility issues.

We adapt our methodological approach using specialized tools according to the disability, location, and type of device.

Storytelling & Translation

We translate technical accessibility issues into plain language and use compelling storytelling techniques to communicate insights to non-technical stakeholders.

a rainbow
a person with a prosthetic arm


  • Sensory disabilities (e.g., Blindness, Low Vision, Hard of Hearing, Deaf, Sensory Processing Disorder)

  • Cognitive and learning disabilities (e.g., Dementia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Cognitive Decline)

  • Neurodivergence (e.g., Autism, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia)

  • Motor and mobility disabilities (e.g., Paralysis, Amputation, Tremors, Arthritis, Cerebral Palsy, Age-related)

  • Psychological and emotional disabilities (e.g., Anxiety disorders, Depression)

  • Temporary & situational disabilities

  • Mild to severe disabilities

Accessibility Case Studies

a man working at a computer at his desk

Neurodivergence at Work

Understanding how work products can better meet neurodivergent employee needs.

a doctor examining a model spine

Accommodating Physical Disabilities in Brazil and Mexico

Exploring mobility needs in LATAM for people with physical disabilities.

a person working on a computer and holding a smartphone

Enterprise Software Accessibility Expectations

Researching key accessibility expectations and differentiators for enterprise software.

shadows of people holding hands in a line

“Accessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.”

Debra Ruh, Global Disability Inclusion Strategist