Pharma & Healthcare

Our capabilities range from consulting and fieldwork services to end-to-end project execution.

a doctor examining a sample

We are a global one-stop shop for healthcare research and UX design, with specialization in North America and Brazil/LATAM markets.

Our Services

  • We have expertise in research and development within the following areas of the healthcare industry:

    • Pharmaceuticals

    • Consumer Health Products

    • Digital Health

    • Medtech and Biotech

  • Our team of researchers, moderators, and analysts have extensive experience in methodologies used throughout the development and launch of health products and services. Our capabilities mix qualitative and quantitative methodologies that are implemented in-person or digitally.

    • Market access and forecasting

    • Competitive analysis and product strategy

    • Social media listening and analysis

    • Online communities and panels

    • Patient and provider journey mapping

    • Ethnography (in-person and digital) and cultural immersion

    • Positioning and segmentation

    • Diary studies

    • Communications and concept testing

    • Mixed methods usability studies

    • Biometrics testing

    • Brand tracking

  • We use advanced recruitment methodologies and relationships with healthcare provider and patient associations to ensure access to high-quality, on-target participants.

    • Patients ranging from chronic to rare and severe conditions, with evidence of proof of diagnosis

    • Stakeholders & Payors

    • Physicians & Healthcare Staff

    • Key Opinion Leaders

    • Hospitals

    • Caregivers

    • Public health providers

    We also provide an in-house recruitment panel of healthcare providers, patients, key opinion leaders, and payers in Brazil/LATAM.

    • Allergy and Immunology

    • Cardiology

    • Dermatology

    • Emergency Medicine

    • Endocrinology

    • Gastroenterology

    • Genetics

    • Hematology

    • Infectious Disease

    • Nephrology

    • Neurology

    • Obstetrics & Gynecology

    • Oncology

    • Ophthalmology

    • Pain Management

    • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

    • Psychiatry

    • Pulmonology

    • Rheumatology

    • Urology

    • Women's Health


Our research approach combines multiple disciplines to holistically and efficiently solve your challenges and give your product/service an edge over others:

  • Subject matter expertise in pharmaceuticals, public health, and global health

  • UX and human-centered design thinking

  • Behavioral science

  • Health literacy, education, and communication

Inclusive & Accessible

We are experts in inclusive research and design. In each project, we advocate for collecting diverse perspectives to create better experiences for all.

  • Utilize accessibility guidelines

  • Experience tailoring products and services to users with different mental and physical abilities, as well as to users from different cultures and socioeconomic contexts


We only work with good humans. Our team is empathic, sensitive, and committed to improving others’ lives.

We strive to honor the deeply personal experiences and perspectives which are shared with us, and this is reflected in how we do our work and the products and services we help create.

a figure representing how Amplinate combines healthcare and pharma and UX techniques to discover and develop, test and refine, and launch products and services

We transform health products and services through the combination of human-centered design thinking and deep subject matter expertise.

Featured Case Studies

Pharmacovigilance & Ethics

Our team of researchers have extensive experience in collecting adverse events with a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities of this data. They are skilled in accurately identifying, documenting, and categorizing adverse events. Our expertise streamlines the data collection process which saves time and resources and allows for comprehensive data collection.

We are 100% compliant with all relevant regulations and human subjects research standards. We take this responsibility seriously in order to ensure the utmost quality and ethical standards in our work.

Featured Practitioners

Cristiane Sand

Cristiane Sand

Director of Pharma & Healthcare

With over two decades of experience in market research, she has developed extensive expertise in primary and secondary market analysis. She has a proven track record in managing 100+ global teams, enhanced business practices, sales and marketing operations, process innovation, and strategic planning.

Cristiane has substantial experience in the healthcare sector, managing projects that encompass the entire product lifecycle, delivering actionable insights, and consulting across a host of strategic and tactical initiatives.

Cristiane holds a BS in English Literature from the University of Santa Catarina and an MBA in Marketing.

Katie Trocin

Katie Trocin

Principal Research Strategist

Katie combines expertise across disciplinary fields to create human-centered and effective digital health products, services, and messaging.

Katie is trained in Cultural Anthropology and Public Health, with a specialization in Behavioral Science and Health Communications.

She has 7 years of experience conducting formative and evaluative research on government and nonprofit healthcare services and campaigns, and 4 years of experience in UX research and design in big tech.

Katie is passionate about disrupting status quos in the industry and skilled in building healthcare experiences that both honor human needs and amplify business outcomes.