
Case Study

Vaccine Safety Monitoring:

Optimizing a Webpage for Vaccine Data Collection

Our client needed to collect and monitor reported side effects of a new vaccine.

But, few patients were using their data collection system.

Amplinate helped them explore awareness, acceptance, and use of their website.

Optimizing the website meant that they could successfully collect the data they needed to inform the public and further promote vaccinations.

Goal and Research Questions

Our client wanted to increase awareness, acceptance, and successful use of their website to maximize data collection for their monitoring efforts.

  • What are strategies to increase awareness of the website?

  • How can we reduce barriers to initiating use?

  • How can the website experience and flow be improved? What are users’ biggest pain points and where are they getting stuck or dropping off?

Our Approach

Combined Interviews & Usability Sessions

  • 60 minute in-depth, one-on-one sessions

  • Open-ended questions to understand their website experience, comprehension, and trust, and broader perceptions around the vaccine, client, and monitoring efforts

  • Task-based, end-to-end usability sessions to measure success rate, error rate, perceived ease of use, and uncover potential improvements






Patients who had received the vaccine or intended to receive the vaccine; Vaccinated parents of vaccine-eligible children; Patients who had not used the website. Participants represented a diverse mix of demographics.

7 Weeks


  • Identified patient knowledge gaps, perceptions, and attitudes to be addressed

  • Key elements of the landing page and user flow for improvement

  • High impact usability, marketing, and communications strategies to increase website usage

a young girl and older man pointing to their bandaids after vaccination


Data was used to help our client monitor the safety of the vaccine and communicate any risks/side effects to the American public.

Data shared within the scientific community through over 20 publications.

10.1 million participants recorded their data on the website.

151 million individual data entries collected.


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