
Software Accessibility Expectations:

A Foundational Research Study

Our client wanted to ensure their company and product were at the forefront of accessibility.

We helped them understand their customers’ accessibility expectations and ways to differentiate themselves.

Amplinate conducted exploratory research to understand emerging accessibility expectations and regulations and the competitive landscape regarding software accessibility.

The client leveraged these insights to inform feature prioritization and an approach to lead the industry.

Research Goal and Questions

The objective of the research was to understand expectations regarding software accessibility among our clients’ potential users and how to create a differentiated product in this space.

  • What role does accessibility play in the purchasing decision making process for software at enterprise companies? What factors influence accessibility decision making (e.g., regulations, competitive landscape)?

  • What are “table stakes” expectations versus differentiators when it comes to accessibility?

  • What are the perceptions of the client’s brand when it comes to accessibility and inclusion in general?

  • How do these insights compare across different markets?

Our Approach

a person working on their computer
  • USA, Germany, & France

  • N= 36 (12 in each market)

    • Enterprises from multiple industries with 500+ employees that actively track accessibility regulations

    • Participants who have decision making power and take accessibility into consideration when purchasing a software

    • Secondary research to understand regulations and competitors in each market

    • In-depth interviews to understand the purchase decision making process within enterprises and how accessibility plays a part in the process

    • Stakeholder Alignment Workshop to gather multiple perspectives and create alignment among client's stakeholders

  • 12 weeks


Identified key accessibility features for the client to prioritize in their product and services.

Informed product and marketing strategy to position the client as the leader in accessibility in their industry.


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