Quant Survey

AI & Cross-Device Tech Use:

A Multi-Market Survey

Our client knew their customers were often only using their product on one device.

They wanted to understand why and what might drive them to use their product more and across devices.

Amplinate conducted a large-scale, multi-market survey to help generate strong hypotheses to answer their questions.

The cross-device barriers and motivators we identified through our research helped them devise strategies to improve and deepen user engagement with their product.

Research Goal and Questions

The objective of the research was to understand what factors and tasks would motivate customers to utilize a product across multiple technological devices and how AI might facilitate cross-device use.

The client sought to collect both quantitative and qualitative data and compare results across multiple markets - USA, Brazil, France, and Germany.

  • What barriers do users face when trying to use the product across devices?

  • What behaviors, conditions, and other factors are most important in driving single device use and cross-device use?

  • Which cross-device scenarios are most promising when it comes to being enhanced by AI?

Our Methods & Approach

    • USA

    • Brazil

    • France

    • Germany

  • N= 2,400 (600 per market)

    • Current customer of client product with certain usage reqs

    • Quotas for users of the product on different devices (e.g., smartphone only, laptop/desktop only)

    • Quota for subset of participants who are highly AI fluent

    • 20 minute online survey with closed and open-ended questions

    • Translation and localization of survey instrument and results

  • 11 weeks end-to-end

  • The survey explored device and application use, AI use and fluency, and triggers, motivators, and barriers to cross-device use

  • Experienced statisticians and mixed methods researchers led survey design, sampling, and analysis

  • Analysis involved identifying promising cross-device Jobs To Be Done and opportunities



The identified barriers and motivators to cross-device use helped inform multiple workstreams at the client organization.

Findings helped to define next steps for AI strategy and spark ideation for new product development.


AI in India, USA, and Brazil: A Cultural Immersion


Creating an inclusive and usable dating app: Journey Mapping and Usability Study