caretaker holding baby's hand

Case Study

Educating Caretakers:

A Childcare Website Content and Usability Evaluation

Our client wanted to enhance their website’s user experience and ensure that the content is valuable and informative for their target audiences.

Amplinate helped them better understand the information needs of caretakers and other target users and their experiences using the website.

They used these insights to revamp their website design and create tailored, effective health messaging.

Goal and Research Questions

The research was focused on a website specializing in health and caretaking information for parents, babysitters, pediatricians, and other people involved in childcare.

We aimed to identify usability issues that could hinder user experience on the website and evaluate whether the information and messaging on the site met the needs and expectations of each target group.

  • What are users’ pain points and delights when using the website? How is the website meeting or failing with regards to key usability heuristics?

  • Is the content on the website accessible and relevant to target users?

  • Is the content valuable and effective in promoting behavior change/adoption?

Our Approach

Online Bulletin Board

  • 5 days, 15 minutes/day

  • Forum discussion among the participants where they posted videos and pictures of their preferred information.

Remote IDIs

  • 75 minutes

  • Follow-up interviews after the completion of the bulletin board to gather reactions and outcomes.






Child development/Baby care bloggers, Babysitters, Childcare professionals, Editors of magazines focused on parenting/childcare, Mothers, Pediatricians

12 weeks


  • The site was effected behavior change among some users, particularly through its practical advice and actionable tips. However, the effectiveness could be enhanced by making the content more engaging and interactive, as well as by offering clearer calls to action to guide users towards adopting recommended practices.

  • The content was highly relevant to the target audience, addressing specific needs for parents, babysitters, and pediatricians. However, there was a need for more personalized content tailored to the distinct needs of each user group.

a woman holding a baby


Adoption of customer-centric approaches in digital product offerings, creating a more inclusive and effective website.

Improved user-friendliness of the website and overall experience. Customers reported improved navigation and ease in finding relevant information.


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