woman holding cervical cancer ribbon to her abdomen

Case Study

Understanding Information-Seeking among Cervical Cancer Patients:

A Journey Mapping Study

Our client wanted to understand the needs and experiences of women with locally advanced cervical cancer in order to provide them with appropriate, empowering information at the right touchpoints.

Amplinate utilized our deep subject matter expertise in women’s health and strong experience with sensitive research topics to fully understand women’s information-seeking and treatment journeys.

Insights informed tailored messaging and communications to more effectively reach these patients.

Goal and Research Questions

The research goal was to understand information-seeking behaviors among women with local advanced cervical cancer and how it affects their decisions about care and treatment journeys.

  • What are the primary sources women use to seek information about cervical cancer treatment?

  • How do they assess the credibility and trustworthiness of these sources?

  • What emotional responses, if any, do women have to information found? How do these emotional responses influence decision-making and treatment adherence?

  • What barriers may affect their ability to gather information (e.g., language, cultural, or socioeconomic barriers)?

Our Approach

Web-Assisted Tele Depth Interviews (WATDIs)

  • 60 minute in-depth, one-on-one sessions

  • Open-ended questions sought to understand the patient emotional and social journey as they gather information about cervical cancer and make treatment decisions






Patients who are diagnosed with node positive cervical cancer.

7 weeks


  • Women with locally advanced cervical cancer rely heavily on online resources, healthcare providers, and support groups for information, and they judge their credibility by the source's reputation and expert validation.

  • Lower health literacy can make it difficult to understand complex medical information, impacting decision-making and treatment adherence.

  • Positive information, such as success stories or advances in treatment, can evoke hope and encourage proactive decision-making and adherence to treatment plans.

doctor counseling a patient


A better understanding of effective content, strategies, and touchpoints to empower patients through information.

Data used to create public health campaign to increase awareness about cervical cancer and the importance of early and informed decision making.


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