Remote Cultural Immersion

Creating Content & Design that Resonates:
A Remote Culturalization Study

Our client wanted to increase use of their digital product across the world…

But first, they needed to make sure that the content and design of their tool would be relevant, valuable, and appealing to their international audiences of interest.

While limited by bandwidth, budget, and time, our client needed deep cultural insights to help their product succeed in new markets.

We led remote culturalization research using digital ethnography methodologies to produce high-quality, localized insights quickly and efficiently.

Multi-Phase Research in 5 Markets

Research Goal & Questions

The goal of the research was to develop culturally optimized content and understand other opportunities to improve the product experience to drive product growth in select international markets.

  • What content and imagery resonate with users in each market? What culturalization principles need to be applied to content, UX, and UI?

  • What are market-specific user needs, pain points, use cases, and general perceptions?

  • What are value propositions for this tool that resonate with users in each market?

Our Approach

picture of colorful guitars

Example Artifacts Collected

Artifacts provided insight into the colors, textures, imagery, symbols, and design sensibility that represent each community.

  • N=8 in each market

    Mexico, Brazil, India, Germany, France

    • 18 years and older

    • Diversity in gender, age, race/ethnicity

    • New customers of the product

    • Pre-interview homework assignment which included daily diary and artifact collection

    • 90-minute interview with questions on end-to-end product journey, feedback on content, UX, and UI, and cultural relevance of new content

  • 9 weeks per market

Along with homework assignments and remote interview sessions, we also used the following methods to produce culturally-informed insights related to our research questions:

  • Local researchers who provided depth and contextualization to insights

  • Background information on local history, traditions and customs, and other cultural characteristics of target markets included in reporting

  • Artifact collection (photos, videos, etc.) to better understand daily life and local design sensibility

  • Secondary research and examples on how competitors are localizing their products and advertising to target audiences

Graphic showing aspects of Mexican culture like intense contrasting colors, family and tradition, mexican people and culture, textures and patterns, history, legends, mythology, arts and social movement, mexican people, fiesta: festive mood, food


Examples from our report decks

Picture of a laptop showing It's customary to buy gold during Akshaya Tritiya, which is typically celebrated in April or May as per the Hindu calendar
Being well culturalized to Mexico depends on multiple factors: Contextualized content, honoring pre-hispanic history, capturing mexican festive spirit, relatability, specific cultural elements and national events


Designers utilized insights and artifacts to create new content and make UX/UI improvements to the product.

Our client launched new content that customers found relevant and valuabe, increasing monthly average users.

Our relationship with the client has grown. Amplinate is their go-to partner for research in new markets.

They ensured their content and experience was respectful and reflective of these communities, avoiding potential PR blunders.


Stopping Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse: Tool Usability and Design