Cultural Immersion

B2C Social Media Experiences:
A cultural immersion in Brazil

Our client needed a 360 understanding of the experience using their social media tool…

from users, and businesses, to marketing agencies.

Amplinate curated a full week research and cultural experiences for a diverse set of client stakeholders (research, design, PM, dev, marketing).

We explored participant experiences and perspectives in home and work contexts, and together, immersed ourselves in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Our Methods & Activities

graffiti in a stairwell in Brazil
  • N=27 (9 from each cohort)

    • Users that use the client’s tool to complete their tasks.

    • Businesses that utilize the tool to draw more clients and advertise their product.

    • Advertisers hired or part of the business’ organization to create their marketing strategy.

  • In-person IDIs in participants' homes and workplaces

  • Immersion took place over 1 week

In-home, at-work, and in-lab IDIs and observations

Clients participated in all research activities, with Amplinate moderating and providing simultaneous translations.

The client team and Amplinate were divided into 3 tracks

This allows for maximizing data collection as well as to have an optimal client and participant experience (manageable team size for each home and workplace visit).

Observation of shopping and paying experiences

Given the study focus on commerce and advertising.

Meals, transportation, cultural events and sightseeing curated

  • Sightseeing spots were recommended by locals to provide an immersive experience of São Paulo’s life

  • A special dinner at a local’s home with Brazilian food and music for cultural immersion and team bonding

Sense-making of research findings was built into the week

via daily debriefs and an end-of-week workshop.


The immersive experience provided learnings and surprises beyond the planned research questions and objectives, allowing the client address their questions and find opportunities to their product.

The clients saw their target audiences using their product in cultural and geographical context, and how that context impacted the experience of their users (e.g., in comparison to a US-centric context with which the client was familiar).


Building Community in South Africa


AI in India, USA, and Brazil: A Cultural Immersion